Critical Illness

Did You Know?
That in the U.S., 1 in 2 men run the risk of developing cancer in their lifetime; for women the risk is a little more than 1 in 3?
Protection For When You May Need It Most
Cancer is a devastating disease and medical insurance benefits do not come close to covering all of the costs involved in dealing with this terrible illness. Cancer insurance can provide you with benefits to pay for some of your medical and non-medical expenses.
Special Features:
- Guaranteed issue if individual has never had cancer
- Covers all costs not covered by even the best health plans
- Benefits paid directly to insured and in addition to any other coverage
- Pays upon diagnosis of internal cancer; for first occurrence
- Wellness benefit included
- Plan available which covers 20 additional specified diseases including MS, Polio, Sickle cell anemia, Smallpox and others
- Coverage guaranteed renewable for life
- Countless benefits including Hospital confinement, nursing services, hospice care, etc.
For more information on Cancer coverages,
call SF&C • 1-800-876-7768 • Jeff Patti